Railway Queens Busy Two Days.
South Yorkshire Times, April 28th, 1939.
Railway Queens Busy Two Days.
"The L.N.E.railway company will be at home on Saturday and Sunday in Swinton goods yard...
New Councillors – Mr Albert C Rawson
South Yorkshire Times, April 7th, 1939.
New Councillors - Mr Albert C Rawson
Mr Albert C. Rawson is a native of Mexborough, and was educated at...
New Councillors – Mr Ben Bailey
South Yorkshire Times, April 7th, 1939.
New Councillors - Mr Ben Bailey
A native of Hoyland, Mr Ben Bailey, of "Wynburne," Doncaster Road, Mexborough has only...
New Councillors – Mr George Goodacre
South Yorkshire Times, April 7th, 1939.
New Councillors - Mr George Goodacre
Mr George Goodacre, the Royal cinema manager, has been on the council before, when...
Cinema –Empire, Majestic, Oxford – Old Mother Riley in Paris (video)
Mexborough and Swinton Times, April 1939
Mexborough Congregational Church Sale
South Yorkshire Times, April 28st 1939
Mary Smalley, Who sold £5 worth of tickets for last week's Mexborough Congregational church sale of work. With her...
Railway Exhibition At Mexborough
South Yorkshire Times, April 28th, 1939.
The railway Queen (also inset) behind whom are Coun. G. S. Morley, chairman of Mexborough U.D.C., And Coun. W....
South Yorkshire Times, April 28st 1939
South Yorkshire Times, April 28st 1939
Mr G. Dickinson, recently elected president of the Mexborough Montagu hospital, who took part in his official capacity in...
Fell Down Steps.
South Yorkshire Times, April 14th 1939.
Mexborough Woman's Fatal Spine Injury.
A Verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned by Coroner W. H. Carlisle at an inquest...
Hospital Board Appointment – Bradford Man For Mexborough Post.
South Yorkshire Times, April 21st 1939
Mr. A. Laycock.
At a special meeting of the Board of Management of the Mexborough Montagu hospital on Wednesday Mr...