Home 1917 November 1917

November 1917

Golden Wedding and Funeral – Mr & Mrs George Brammer

November 1917
Mexborough and Swinton Times November 3, 1917 Mr and Mrs George Brammer the golden wedding of Mr and Mrs George Brammer, of 57, Hartley St, Mexborough...

Women’s Extensive Thefts – Trips to Rotherham Market

November 1917
Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Saturday 24 November 1917 Women’s Extensive Thefts. Trips from Mexborough to Market at Rotherham. At Rotherham. yesterday, five Mexborough women were...

Soldier – Adey, Alfred – Wounded, in Hospital

November 1917
Mexborough and Swinton Times November 3, 1917 Sergt. Alfred Adey (Y. and L.), Sergeant Adey has been wounded in the thigh, and is in Thorncombe Hospital,...

Soldier – Allinson John G. – Gas Poisoning

November 1917
Mexborough and Swinton Times November 3, 1917 Private. John G. Allinson (Y. & L.) 35, Hampden road, Mexboro' is in the Brook War Hopital, Woolwich, with...

Soldier – Brown, Francis Roland – Wounded in Head

November 1917
Mexborough and Swinton Times November 3, 1917 Rifleman Francis Roland Brown (K.B.R.). Rifleman Brown of 12, John street, Mexborough, was wounded in the head on Oct....

Soldier – Darwin J.W. – Wounded for Third Time

November 1917
Mexborough and Swinton Times November 10, 1917 Private. J. W. Darwin York and Lancaster Private Darwin of 59, Pitt street, Mexboro', was wounded for a third time...

Soldier – Fawcett, Frank – Officer in Heavy Fighting

November 1917
Mexborough and Swinton Times November 3, 1917 Mexborough Officer In Hospital. Lt Frank Fawcett (KO.Y.L.I. )son of Mrs Fawcett, Hampden road, Mex-boro', who came home from...

Soldier – Law, Ernest – Wounded in Action

November 1917
Mexborough and Swinton Times November 11, 1917 Pte. Ernest Law York and Lancaster Private Law, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Law, pork butcher, Doncaster Road. Mexboro',...

Soldier – Rogers, T.G. – Wounded, almost Convalescent

November 1917
Mexborough and Swinton Times November 10, 1917 Co.-Sgt.-Maj. Thos. Geo. Rogers King's Royal Rifles Co.-Sgt.-Maj. Thos. Geo. Rogers, of Albert Road, Mexboro, formerly a member of the...

Soldier – White, Charles – Partial Leg Amputation

November 1917
Mexborough and Swinton Times November 17, 1917 Pte. Charles White York and Lancaster 32, Pitt St, Mexborough was injured in September 12 and is now in hospital...