War Memorial Roll of People
J Adamson
E Adams
T Allan
T F Allen
R W E Anderson
A Andrews
P Ashmore
C H Askin
A Atkins
A A Atkinson
J Atkinson
L Aubrey
W Axe
A E Baker
B Barley
P Barron
T Barron
A Batty
E A Bayes
W H Bedford
W Beech
J Bennett
H Bentley
C Beresford
T Best
F Blunt
P Blythe
G E Booth
J Boynton
H Bramham
J Briggs
W H Briggs
C L Brookes
J H Brooks
W Brooks
H Browes
J H Brumby
C L Bryars
A Bucknell
W Buncall
T A Burgan
L Caine
A Calladine
J Calladine
L Calladine
W Calladine
R Carrol
A Charlesworth
H Charlesworth
W Chipp
C V Clarke
P Clarke
J Cliff
A Clothier
E Clotheir
H Clough
R Colby
P Conlon
C Conway
A Cope
L Corbridge
A Crowcroft
F Crowson Face 2 Wwi
H Curtis
W Cutts
W Dakin
W Davis
G.B. Davidson – Not on Memorial
L Dawson
G H Dean
A E Denham
H L Davenport
A Dickinson – Not on Memorial
J W Dickinson – Not on Memorial
A Dodds
J Dodson
R Dodson
R Douglas
W Drabble
W Drury
H Dryden
C Dunstan
A Durham
W A Durham
P Dyson
J T Earnshaw
J M Ellis
H Falkingham
? Fletcher
H Flinders
H Foote
C H Foster
H S Fruin
H Gill
E Goodbody
M Graham
T H Green
R H Green
V Greenway
W Hackett V.C.
C E Haldenby
E S Halford – Not on Memorial
F Hall
J Haigh
G Hakin
H Hakin
W Hare
A Hargreaves
J W Harrison
C Hart
H Heald
S H Henson
H Hepworth
A Hickling
R. Hirst – Not on Memorial
C Higgin
W Higgins
J Hill
J H Hinds
J Hinton
M Hobson
J W Hodgson
E Hoggins
J Holt
E S Hornsby

C Horton
Soldier – Horton G. – Officially Reported Killed
H. Houlbrook – Not on Memorial
T H Howlett
J.W. Howson – Not on Memorial
T Humphrey
A Jackson
A W Jackson
D Johnson Face 3 Wwi
H Johnson
T Johnson
G E Jones
R A Jones
B Jowett
W Kershaw
A King
T King
S Lake
C Lawton
T W Lee
C J Levi
A Lewis
J H Lockett
L Lynam
C W Lyons
C V Marsden
J Marsden
H T Mawson
C E Meek
H J Minchin
J.A. Mole – Not on Memorial
C Monk
C E Morley
J T Morris
F C Morton
H A Morton
L Mountford
D B Murray
T Naylor
F Nettleship
H Newley
J A Nicholson
C Norman
W O’brien
R Olby
G W Oliver
G Overend
H Parker
E T Pearson
J Pepper
W H Phillimore
H Phillips
J Pinches
G F Pinder
E Poulson
A Price
F Ramsey
W Ramsey
T J Reed
G Reynolds
H Roberts
E Robins
A V H Robinson
C E Rolfe
R Rose
J S Rothery
F O Rowland
R Rownsley
P O Sales
J Salkeld
A Samuel
W Scales
J Severn
Face 4 Wwi
C E Shaw
J Shaw
W Shaw
H Sheridan
G Simms – Not on Memorial
W Skirrow
A Smith
J Smith
J E Smith
T Smith
W Smith
P Stables
H Stead
N Stead
W Stead
W Stocks
G Straw
R Street
H G Sykes
H Tatton
F Thompson
J Thornton
J Timmins
G Tingle
W A Trethwey
C Truelove
R V Truelove
F Turton (not on Memorial)
Turton F. – A victim of the “Anglia”
J Venables
J Vickers
W Waddington
J J Wagstaff
A Waite
M L Walker
H Ward
T Ward
M F Watson
F Webb
W H Wesley
T Wharton
C C White
Wr. White
Wd. White
I Whitehead
W Whitehead
C Whitham
F S Whitham
W. Williams – Not on Memorial
A Wiles
H Willcock
J Worrall
R W Wood
H E Woodhead
H E Woods
W R Woolridge
W Wright
E Wright
C H Thompson
J Marr
H Woodhouse