Home Places Theatres Verdi Popple

Verdi Popple

March 1951

South Yorkshire Times March 10, 1951

Verdi Popple

Fifty years on the stage is a record few people can claim.

This rare distinction has fallen to J. Verdi Popple, chairman producer of Mexborough Green Room Club, and it was especially fitting that Mr. Popple should celebrate his Jubilee on the very stage — at Mexborough — on which he made his debut at the age of eight. Mr. Popple’s contribution to the amateur theatre movement in this part of the country has been immense. Mexborough’s lively Green Room Club will always be a monument to his work. He founded this society, now one of the leading companies of its kind in Yorkshire, and doubtless the Club will remember the Jubilee of their chairman when they celebrate their own 25th anniversary year. This commences next month


Mr Popple, a personal friend of distinguished Shakespearean actor, Donald Wolfit, has specialised in Dickens and Shakespeare, and it is a matter of some pride that as a young soldier he was invited to join Sir Frank Benson’s famous Shakespearean company. In his youth he received encouragement from Henry Ainley

His Fagin in “Oliver Twist” packed the houses when he played this part with the Venner Repertory Company at Mexborough and Rotherham, and his Shakespearean parts include Iago and Ford, and very many South Yorkshire folk will recall his Shylock.


Although, apart from his broadcasting, Mr. Popple never went into drama professionally, he has turned out several players who have. These include Henry Moxon, Basil Jones, May Strachan, David Beeching, Jack Beal and Eric Jones.