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The Staff of the ” Mexboro’ Times.”

August 1908

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 8, 1908

The Staff of the ” Mexboro’ Times.”

There were plenty of evidences of the excellent feeling prevailing between Councillor W. Turner, J.P., and his staff on Tuesday afternoon, when Mr. and Mrs. Turner entertained them at a garden party held at Brookfield , Swinton.

The event marked the election of Mr. Turner as Chairman of the Mexboro’ Urban District Council, and a very pleasant spirit of enjoyment and “bon homie” pervaded the company assembled.

The Mex’boro’ councillors were also entertained, with their ladies, and among those present were noticed Mr. John Sopps (vice-chairman of the Mexboro’ Council) and Miss Sopps, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee, Mr. land Mrs. ‘T. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cliff, Mr. C. Ward, Mr. G. H. Bayes and Miss Bayes, Mr and Mrs. E. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clayton, Mr. J. W. Hattereley (clerk), and) Mrs. Hattersley, Mr. G. F. Carter (surveyor),  Mrs. Hattersley, Mr. G. F. Carter (surveyor), and Mr. J. Senior (electrical engineer), and Mrs. Senior, Mr. I. Chipp, and others’

The Swinton U.D. Council was represented by Mr. R. Fowler, Mr. F. Riffles, and. later by Mr. W. Hague, J.P.

Tea was served to about 100 guests in the gardens, and the guests enjoyed an excellent repast, supplied by Messrs. Squires’ Bros., of Mexboro’, in their well-known style, and which gave the greatest satisfaction.

The I magnificent ” gramophone grand,” provided by Messrs. Leadbeater and Peters, of Imperial ,Buildings, Rotherham, played selections, which were much appreciated, this undoubtedly being one of the features of the day. The Swinton Brass Band was also in. attendance, and enlivened the pro ceedings with their selections.

A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. W. Turner by his brother Councillors, Mr. J. E. Cliff, MT. Clayton and Mr. J. W. Hattersley speaking in support, and later in the afternoon a similar compliment was paid the host and hostess by the staff, Mr. W. C. Wood, of Rotherham, and Mr. J. H. Wright, of Mexboro’, both speaking in felicitous terms of the excellent relations which existed between employer and employed, and of the tendency which events of that character had, to promote good feeling all round, and to get the best out of everything.

The guests passed the evening in an enjoyable manner, the Councillors’ cricket match being a feature of the afternoon’s fun. A skittle alley was well patronised, and other games, including clock golf, bowls, etc:. With dusk, the gathering came to a close, the celebrations having been a great success.