Home Events Soldier – Crowson C.F. – Sergeant’s Thrilling Exploits – Awarded Military Medal

Soldier – Crowson C.F. – Sergeant’s Thrilling Exploits – Awarded Military Medal

September 1916

Mexborough and Swinton Times, September 23, 1916

A Charmed Life
Mexborough Sergeant’s Thrilling Exploits
Awarded the Military Medal

Sergeant CF Crowson
(York and Lancs)

37, Quakers Fold, Market Street, Mexborough, has been awarded the Military Medal “For conspicuous gallantry during the operations in July 1, 1916 near Ovilliers.

After his officer had become a casualty this soldier took command of his platoon, and gallantly led his men in the assault until he had only two men left.

He then shot an officer leading an enemy attacking party and drove back the remainder, both men with him being shot down. He then reorganised a small party of men of various units and again attacked the enemy line, and continued the assault until all the men with him were killed.

He subsequently rendered valuable aid to wounded men in “no man’s land,” and succeeded in bringing seven of these back to our trenches.

The hero of this extraordinary exploit is a married man, who formerly worked at Cadeby ‘s mine, and enlisted November 12, 1914.

He has fought through this campaign and through the South African war, thus far without injury, a circumstance as amazing as his gallantry.