Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 12 October 1912
The Montagu Hospital Tea will be held on Thursday next.
Miss Montague of Mexborough are spending a short holiday at Buxton.
A proposal has been made to enlarge the Chapel of Ease at Great Houghton.
The general district rate at Mexborough for the ensuing half year has been fixed at 1/10.
Doctor Harvey, of Swinton, is seriously indisposed, suffering acutely from blood poisoning.
Denaby Main Football Club have arranged a whist drive and dance for Tuesday, November 5.
Sites have been already selected for a new church at Goldthorpe, and for a Wesleyan Chapel.
The “Times” ballot on the Conisbrough Ball’s question resulted in a large majority in favour of the scheme.
The annual dinner of the Swinton Cricket Club will take place at the Gate Inn, Swinton on Thursday, October 31.
We regret to learn that Mr Fred Smith, assistant overseer, of Swinton, is still unable to resume his duties through ill health.
Mr Sidney Hamilton is still the landlord of the Goldthorpe Hotel, arrangement that Mr Pearce, formerly of Denaby, should take over the hotel having fallen through.
It was expected that Mr Pearce would apply for the licence of the hotel last Saturday, but he failed to make the application.
The Mexborough Education Committee are taking strong action to check the malicious damage to their schools which is prevailed recently.
A dispute between colliers and trammers of the wages under the minimum Wage Act has led to the trammers coming out on strike at the Manvers Main Collieries.
At Wombwell, on Monday, Sir Joseph Walton, Bart. M.P. for Barnsley, delivered a most interesting lecture to his constituents on his recent tour to South Africa.
Wombwell Council have decided to request their architecture reconsiders attendance and estimates of the proposed public baths with a view to reducing the cost within £6,000.
The rector of Wombwell has offered to repay to the curate of the Wombwell Cemetery all fees that he may have been paid in error, for services in the cemetery not taken by him.
The Wombwell Council, it was revealed at their meeting on Tuesday, and not paying the trade union rate of wages in some instances, which they demand from their contractors by the fair wages clause.
Considerable progress has been made with the Manvers Main Colliery Company’s new pit at Barnburgh. The head gear is nearly complete and large consignments of the most up-to-date machinery are on the ground.
Miss Edith Allen, of Mexborough, is to be congratulated upon the success of her three pupils who competed in the different classes at the Mexborough Musical Festival on Saturday last, all of whom gained a high percentage of marks.