Home Places Churches and Chapels Lord Mayor at Mexborough – Visit to Oxford Road Church

Lord Mayor at Mexborough – Visit to Oxford Road Church

May 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 31 May 1941

Lord Mayor at Mexborough

Visit to Oxford Road Church

Coun. Luther F. Milner paid his first visit as Lord Mayor of Sheffield, to Oxford Road Methodist Church on Sunday when he preached at morning and evening services.

Mr. F. H. Harrop pointed out that Coun. Milner had served the Church well for many years as a local preacher, but that this was the first time he had visited them as Lord Mayor of Sheffield.

At morning service Coun. Milner spoke on “God’s Machines.” Machines, he said, had a fascination for him, they worked so smoothly and every nut, bolt, and cog had to be doing its part. He dealt with people who were willing to be “one of the crowd,” whose individuality had been submerged until they became one of a mass. He urged his hearers to have faith in themselves to realise that they could be someone and said they would then get other people to realise that they were going to be someone. First and foremost they should be ” God’s machines,” sent to _further His Kingdom on earth.

Coun. Milner preached at the evening service, when the anthem. “Thy Way, Not Mine, 0. Lord,” was sung by the choir. The soloist was Mr. R. Ford. Mr. J. W. Watts, organist and choirmaster at the Church, had charge of the musical arrangements.