Mexborough and Swinton Times May 7, 1937
Council’s Lead
Decorated Public Buildings
Towns Gay Attire
Mexborough has entered wholeheartedly in this to the spirit of the occasion. The Council made a grant of £500 for the celebrations, and committees went thoroughly into the matter. This committee will spend the work of the lengthy period so that nothing has been left the last minute, and the last meeting of the management Committee on Tuesday was called merely to confirm arrangements already made. Satisfaction will express of the form the celebrations will take.
The streets of the town and the separate housing shops have been elaborately decorated, and in this matter the Council has set a splendid lead, for the market Hall and the library are to be lit by countless coloured lights.
Mexborough has donned its “Sunday Suit.” There Is an atmosphere of brightness about the Town that is unfortunately lacking in the ordinary working day. Flags bunting and pendants are to be found in most of the buildings and shops along the main streets, and prizes are to be given for the best decorated houses and shops.
Mr J Lyons, secretary of the Decorations’ Committee, reports that there are been as yet very few entries for the decoration competition, but he points out that this is a really good thing that before doing the decorating in the Royal Manor without hoping to achieve any tangible reward. There is a good entry for those fancy dress competitions and the tableaux.
On Wheels and Wires
A railless vehicle which to the Mexborough district on Tuesday gave pleasure to many citizens with its portable decorations