Home Places Streets and Communities 1937 Year of Hopes Achieved

1937 Year of Hopes Achieved

December 1937

Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 29 December 1937

1937 Year of Hopes Achieved

A s these are the last notes of 1937 let take a glance hack at some of the more interesting happenings o! the year. At the very outset, the cloud which had hung far too long over the sporting activities the district, owing to public apathy, caused in turn doubt by depressing industrial conditions, was pierced by the action of the Manvers Main miners.

New hope of salvation for the several Athletic clubs of the area was afforded try the weekly wage stoppages, and already those clubs have taken on new lease of life. In February, with the opening of the Roman Terrace premises. Swinton Urban District became proud possessor of three old men’s retreats lo serve each neighbourhood. and at the other end of the scale of life Wath was equally proud of the conversion of the large Dunford House into modern child welfare centre and clinic in March.

Then followed in April the birth of the new Dearne authority. The prophecy that any gathering Bolton and Thurnscoe councillors would he a. dog fight seemed likely to fulfilled at the first meeting, but since then, under the firm guidance of Alderman Probert the barking has been quietened, leaving the way open for progress.

April 17 was a big day at the Montagu Hospital, when large extensions and up-to-date alterations were declared open by Lord Halifax, bringing splendid service right into line with modern requirements—so we were all given to understand.

In the following month the district did itself proudly in celebrating the Coronation. From the highest to the humblest the populace joined with hearty will in demonstrating the loyally of the Don and Dearne Valleys.

In June the hospital crept into the news again, this time on completion of the Appeal Fund with a total of £4000. A creditable achievement, involving a lot of hard work for army of volunteers.

Later in the same month, the district witness a new event which reflected past glories. It was the mammoth sports meeting for Manvers Main employees (numbering about 6000) at Goldthorpe. The weather Clerk did his dirty worst, but organisation triumphed in the main. This gathering was a “first annual,” so it offers a happy prospect.

The enterprise of the members, Company and workmen was responsible in July for the opening of one of the most modern pithead baths in the country. The scheme aroused interest over a wide area, and prompted a visit of inspection from the high officials of the Miners Welfare Fund

AT the end July misfortune the shape of a cage crash, overtook the Kilnhurst Colliery. Thirty seven miners were involved, one being killed and others seriously injured that they are still detained in hospital. Fortunately the majority escaped with minor injuries.

July also saw the deaths of two men who had served the district well. Mr. J. R Horn at Goldthorpe and Mr E Rosamund,,manager the Mexborough Employment Exchange.

In September—wonder of wonders – an inquiry into the proposal to erect public baths Mexborough. Many of those who first saw this vision have already passed on. but others will rest content in their old age that 1937 has brought realisation of their project, first launched some 40 years ago.

The last two months have been overshadowed by the dispute at the Montagu Hospital, an institution which had known hitherto only cooperation and goodwill.

Out of it all will arise new type of service, but a lot bitterness remains, which will take long time to live down. And it must be lived down if the extensive health service which has the hospital pinnacle, is to retain 100 per cent, efficiency.

Altogether, taking into consideration marked industrial improvement, it can fairly be said that 1937 has treated the district much more kindly than some of its recent years, and has given rise to bright hopes of 1938.