South Yorkshire Wild Fowling Association
South Yorkshire Times March 2, 1957
The South Yorkshire Wild Fowling Association held their first annual dinner in the New Masons Mexborough on Saturday.
In the...
Death of Licensee and Former Cricketer
South Yorkshire Times March 23, 1957
Mr GL Machin
Licensee and Former Cricketer
The death occurred on Monday of Mr George Leslie Machin (62), at his home,...
Diamond Wedding – Mr & Mrs Oldfield
South Yorkshire Times March 9, 1957
Mr Mrs G.W.Oldfield of 7 Montague St, Mexborough who celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary today (Friday).
Weddings – Dickenson & Smith – Storey & Snow – Parker & Nettleship
South Yorkshire Times March 1957
Miss Pat White Dickenson, of 56 Princess Rd, Mexborough,
a shorthand typist at Baker and Bessemer’s Kilnhurst
and Mr Christopher Ernest Smith,
Confirmation at Mexborough Roman Catholic Church
South Yorkshire Times March 2, 1957
Making a pretty picture in their confirmation dresses are these girls who were among those confirmed by the Bishop...
Confirmation Service at the Roman Catholic Church
South Yorkshire Times March 2, 1957
Seen arriving for the Confirmation Service at Mexborough Roman Catholic Church on Sunday, is the Bishop of Leeds Dr...