Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 25 January 1941
Mr. I. Rodgers (Mexborough) and J. Sherriff (Leicester). Miss Joan Sherriff, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sherriff of 36, Fairfax Road, Leicester, and Mr. Albert Rodgers, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rodgers, of 8, Hampden Road, Mexborough, were married on January 4th at St. Michael’s Church. Leicester, the Rev. A. Norman-Taylor officiating.
Given away by her lather, the bride wore a gown of white taffeta with a quilted hem and a heart-shaped neck, and a veil and wreath. She carried white carnations.
The bridesmaids, Miss Joyce Sherriff, the bride’s niece, Miss Kathleen Sherriff, the bride’s sister, and Miss Sheila Bishop, were attired in -gowns of blue cloque with head-dresses to tone. The maids carried pink carnations.
The best man was Mr. Phillip Upton, and the bride’s brother, Mr. Derek Sherriff, was groomsman.
The bride is the grand-daughter of Ald. A. Sherriff, J.P., and the late Mrs. Sherriff, formerly Mayor and Mayoress of Leicester. The bridegroom is serving in the R.A.F.V.R.