Home People Weddings Wedding – Potts & Whale

Wedding – Potts & Whale

April 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 19 April 1941

Miss Kathleen Mary Potts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Potts. 11. Woodfield Avenue. Mexborough, was married to Mr. George Maurice Whale, son of Mr and Mrs. M. Whale, of 5, Cobden Avenue. Mexborough, at Mexborough Parish Church on Saturday.

Given away by her father, the bride wore white angel lace over taffeta and net, with veil and wreath of orange blossom and carried pink roses. She was attended by Misses C. Parkes. Marjorie Law, Jill Whale and Stella Batty.

Mr. W. Rogers was best man and Mr J. K. Potts groomsman.