Home People Weddings Wedding – Jacques & Smiley

Wedding – Jacques & Smiley

July 1944

South Yorkshire Times, July 29th, 1944

Wedding: Jacques & Smiley

Pte. Margery Jacques A.T.S., the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacques, 71, Hirst Gate, Mexborough, was married at St. Martin’s Church, Worcester recently to Pte. Warren Danford Smiley, United Sates Army, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smiley of Salem, Virginia, U.S.A.

The bride was given away by her father ad wore a becoming gown of gold figures satin with a gold veil and Juliet cap and carried red roses.  She was attended by Misses Kathleen Kirk and Dorothy Vobe.  Their gifts from the bridegroom were necklaces.

Sgt. Francis R. Plass, U.S. Army was best man.  Among the gifts were a case of fish eaters from members of the bride’s unit in the A.T.S. and silver bon-bon dishes from the bridegroom’s colleagues. The bride has been in the A.T.S. since the beginning of the war.