Home People Weddings Wedding – Carr & Hullett

Wedding – Carr & Hullett

March 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 29 March 1941

Mr. Harold Hullett, eldest son of the late Mr. Arthur Hullett and Mrs. Hullett, of 2, Great Northern Street, Lincoln, and Miss Edith Carr, second daughter of the late Mr. John Carr and Mrs. Carr, of 29. Chaucer Road, Mexborough, were married at Mexborough Parish Church on Saturday.

The Vicar, the Rev. E. H. Rawlins, officiated. The bride, given away by her brother, Mr. Tom Carr, wore a burgundy coloured dress, with a hand painted design, an ice-blue and burgundy coloured coat and accessories to match. She carried pink carnations, and was attended by Miss N. Carr in a Wedgewood blue dress and Mrs. A. P. Bloodworth, in a powder blue dress.

The attendants received powder compacts from the bridegroom. The bridegroom’s brothers. Mr. Joseph Hullett and Mr. Sidney Hullett, were best man and groomsman.

Mrs. Carr wore a navy blue dress and the bridegroom’s mother wore bottle green. Among the wedding gifts received was an overmantel from the staff of the “South Yorkshire Times.”