Leeds Mercury – Tuesday 16 July 1918
Tired of Being a Deserter
Wilson Thompson, of Mexborough, pleaded guilty at Doncaster yesterday to being a deserter from the 3rd K.0.Y.L.I.
When arrested in Mexborough, prisoner admitted being a deserter, stating. have had two years out there, but I am not sorry you have found me. as I have been miserable for some time/’ He was handed over to the Army
Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Wednesday 07 August 1918
Thomas Drakely, miner, Mexborough, was at Doncaster yesterday charged with concealing a deserter.
The Chairman (Mr. Brocklesby) said the Bench could not impose a fine, and committed defendant, to prison for seven days
Elizabeth A. Padgett, married. Mexborough, was bound over for a similar offence.