Mexborough & Swinton Times, October 21, 1927
Feeling a little jealous when I saw the snapshot of those lads from India in the `Times,’ ” writes Corporal E. Ardron, serving with the Sheffield Battalion Coldstream Guards, in the Shanghai Defence Force, .”I thought I would ask you to kindly put us a line in your ever welcome old paper—”Our Times,” as I always used to call it to let people know that besides India there are one or two Mexborough lads here in Shanghai, namely, myself, Dick Jow, and Harry Ellor, from Mexborough, J. Jarvis from Wragby Row, and several more.
Although it says in the papers that we are having a good time, I would give a lot to be in Mexborough, shouting ” Good old Rob!” or “Well batted, Laurie !” I may tell you that my bed has seating accommodation for nearly a dozen when the mail comes in and the “Times” is opened.
But, oh ! what a surprise when we got the”Times” Cup result ! Someone must have I been either on or off form. You can tell them that one of the songs that is not I sung here is ” Shanghai, Land of my Dreams,” and that the troops are still looking for this “lure of the East” and wondering where it is. I will close, hoping the old paper keeps coming every week from home.”