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Threats at Mexborough

February 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 07 February 1902

Threats at Mexborough

Joseph Parkes, a farmer, of Mexborough, was summoned by Fredk. King, also a farmer of that place, for threatening language towards him on the 9th of January.

Mr. W. M. Gichard, solicitor, Rotherham, appeared for the complainant, and Mr. R. A. H. Tovey, solicitor, Doncaster, appeared for the defendant.

Mr. Gichard stated that the parties were farmers living at Mexborough and were neighbours. It appeared some time ago the complainant took civil proceedings at the County Court, which was owing to the defendant interfering with the rights of the plaintiff. The action, however, terminated by the defendant promising not to interfere again. That was all over as regarded that particular case.

Matters culminated on the date in question, when the defendant made use of very violent threats towards the complainant

Mr. Tovey, who appeared for the defendant had, he believed, had some talk with the defendant, and he had promised to pay the costs of the summons and apologise to Mr. King for the threats. His client had no wish to press the case, and was quite willing to settle the case on those conditions. That course was decided upon.