Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 10 February 1893
The New Cadeby Railway.
Progress of the Work,
The work in connection with the new railway from Denaby to Wrangbrook is going in very satisfactorily.
Work is proceeding at all parts of the 11 miles, and now, about 1,000 men are busily engaged on the work. In some places the embankments are finished, and during the present mouth the laying of the permanent way will be completed.
Dealing with matters near home, we may say that the building of the bridges over the Don and Dearne has commenced. The bridge over the Don is to consist of a single span of 130 feet. At Denabv the piling for the station is completed and 42,000 cubic yards of earth has been tipped there. Most of the bridges have been and also the viaduct over the Great Northern Railway at Hampole.
Beside the large number of men employed, there are six locomotive engines at work, and four others on the way in addition to 40 or 50 horses.