Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 31 December 1918
“The Diamond Gang.”
At the Rotherham West Riding Court, yesterday, assault by two members of the “Diamond Gang” at Swinton had its sequel in case in which Arthur Deakin (30) and Joseph H. Stead (25), both Mexbro’, were summoned for an assault on James Guest and his son, Frederick Guest.
It was alleged that Deakin threw a stone, which struck James Guest at the back of the head. He got off dray to see why the stone had been thrown. Deakin struck him several times. The son attempted to get off the dray to his father’s assistance, but Stead got on to the dray to him and assaulted him violently.
During the assault Stead said, “We are the Diamond Gang; we don’t care what we do.”
Both complainants bore out this statement. Defendants did not appear.
Stead was fined £4 and Deakin £3, or one month in default.