Home Events Soldier – Bayes, Ernest – Died of Wounds

Soldier – Bayes, Ernest – Died of Wounds

May 1917

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 5, 1917

Private E Bayes

Mr and Mrs GH bets, of Central Buildings, High Street, Mexborough, have received news that their third son, private Ernest Bayes (York and Lancaster) is in hospital in France, severely wounded and in a critical condition.

Private Ernest Bayes joined the army more than a year ago, in company with his brother, Private George Bayes, who has just recovered from dysentery.

Before enlistment Private Ernest Bayes was assistant to Mr JE Jones, chemist and druggist of High St, Mexborough.




Mexborough and Swinton Times May 12, 1917

Private Ernest Bayes
(Highland Light Infantry)

Son of Mr and Mrs G H Bayes, Central Buildings, High St, Mexborough, died in hospital in France, April 26 of severe abdominal wounds.

The family received a notification on Friday.

Private Bayes was 23 years of age.