Home Places Streets and Communities Skating on the Pastures

Skating on the Pastures

January 1892

Mexborough and Swinton Times January 1, 1892

The greatest attraction at Mexborough on Christmas Day undoubtedly was to be found on the Pastures, where over a thousand persons of all ages were to be seen disporting on the ice.

In the town the usual Christmas festivities were kept up with vigour. On Christinas Day the Rev. M. Baxter, the president of the Gospel Union,paid a visit to the Mexbro’ Iron Hall and delivered, a very interesting prophetic address. At the Church on Christmas morning the preacher was the Rev. H. Ellershaw, jun.

The Rev. J.Blair preached at the Primitive Methodist Chapel, and the collection, which is to be devoted to the poor, realised £2 11s.6d.