Home People Residents Sailor Spent Christmas Holidays in Australia

Sailor Spent Christmas Holidays in Australia

January 1960

South Yorkshire Times January 9, 1960

Denaby Sailor Spent Christmas Holidays in Australia

Had Wonderful Time with Relatives He Had Never Seen

Given Five Days’ Leave to Mark the Visit

Tony Lee, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee, of 13, Herbert Street, Mexborough, who is serving in the Royal Navy, had a happy Christmas meeting with some of his father’s relatives in Australia.

Tony has been in the Navy for three years and has served most of that time in H.M.S. Cumberland in the Mediterranean. Later was trend to the Aircraft Carrier HMS Centaur, which spent Christmas in Australian waters, and Tory contact his father’s cousin, Mrs Torr, who lives at Teran point near Sydney.

He had not seen any of his relatives before but he was made very welcome and this cutting back to the ship where the Captain gave Tony five days’ leave to spend with his relatives.

Among them was his father’s hand, Lily, was delighted to have up-to-date news of her brother,. Mr Sam Lee, of shepherds Close, Denaby Main, whom she has not seen for over 40 years.

Tony wrote home to see had had a wonderful time with them all and that he spent Christmas in glorious sunshine.