Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 23 October 1891
Reckless Conduct of Youths on the Railway
Denaby Boys and the Signals.
Four boys named George Fearn, Stephen Ward, Albert Middleton and Thomas M’Doulon, were charged with having stolen 44 pulleys belonging to the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company.
A solicitor, who appeared for the company, said the boys had been trespassing on the railway, and by means of knives and stones deliberately to have removed pulleys from the posts to the extent stated.
The pulleys, which are of the value of 3d. each, are in connection with the signal boxes, and are used for the wires to rest upon.
Robert Hutchinson, of Hirstgate, Mexborough, deposed to having been sent by the company to repair the damage. It was near Low Field signal box, Denaby, and the mischief was repaired on October 14. He received a telegram about it, and proceeded to the spot.
In reply to the Chairmen, he said that the result of the boys’ mischievousness might have been that an accident would happen. The boys practically pleaded guilty. Some of the pulleys were found upon them.
The solicitor said the legal proceedings were taken on behalf of the safety of the public.
The Chairman, in addressing the lads, said the question was not so much the value of the article, but the way in which the railway regulation had been interfered with. A series accident might have happened on the line and persons might have got killed.
Each boy was ordered to receive six strokes birch rod, and the parents had to pay the costs of the case.