Home Industry and Commerce Town Council New President of the Mexborough Chamber of Trade

New President of the Mexborough Chamber of Trade

March 1934

South Yorkshire Times, March 2nd, 1934

New President of the Mexborough Chamber of Trade

Mr. Walter Peace Marsdin, the new President of the Mexborough Chamber of Trade, will, I am sure, be a sound leader and guide of that organisation.

He has a happy blend of cheery optimism and common sense that should be useful in his new office.  He is a comparatively young man, and has not been in the town many years, but he has already given excellent service in various directions, particularly to the business and the sport of the town.

For several years he “carried” Midland League football here, and he is one of the mainstays of the lawn tennis of the district. His gentle hint to the traders to keep out of politics and leave elections alone is typical of the shrewdness and good sense that I hope will mark his approach to the Chamber’s problems during the year.

It is with young men of his type that, I trust, the future of the town rests.