Mexborough and Swinton Times February 25, 1938
New Mexborough Labour Exchange Manager
Mr HC Smith, of the Leeds divisional office of the Ministry of Labour, who has been appointed manager of Mexborough labour exchange will take up his duties on Monday, exactly 6 months after the death of his predecessor Mr E Rosamund.
The vacancy has been temporally filled during the interim by Mr LF Mannering.
Mr Smith has been attached to the Inspector staff and need for the past five years. His experience has been wide and varied. He is a native of the Midlands and has been engaged on Ministry of Labour business in a number of centres, including Woolwich, Coalville, Grays (Essex) and in Northumberland.
When he was transferred to Leeds he had been engaged for a considerable period at Wallsend on Tyneside.
He has already visited Mexborough, having taken over for a month during the illness which preceded the death of the late manager. This will be his first appointment as manager