Home People Celebrations Mexborough’s Silver Jubilee Music Festival.

Mexborough’s Silver Jubilee Music Festival.

October 1937

Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 06 October 1937

IT is a matter for gratification that such considerable improvement has been effected during the past two years or so, to render the prospects truly bright for Mexborough’s silver Jubilee Music Festival.

A few years ago. with public support, attendances, and entries all falling, the Festival offered little to enthuse about, particularly the officials responsible for its financial stability; and indeed It reached stage when its complete extinction was threatened. But within a comparatively short time all that has been altered. And the Festival held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week will well worthy of celebration an anniversary.

There is no doubt that changes wrought in the programme by Madame M. Nixon, who succeeded her father as Musical Director, have been largely responsible for the return of enthusiasm.

For whatever may be the sentiment directed towards this old established event, there no denying the fact a public must be given value for money in these days of varied entertainment, if its support is maintained at all.

As at present constituted, the classes are calculated to offer something of artistic value to suit all tastes, and such Innovations one-act plays, mime, and verse-speaking have made their marks most satisfactorily.

So great was the interest in the one act play section last year, it will be remembered that the chosen hall was unable accommodate, comfortably, all the visitors.

On this occasion, this section will determined in the spacious Olympia Hall —again on Thursday evening.

The Secondary School will stage most of the classes, with a few to be determined on Friday in the Methodist Schoolroom. Altogether there are 60 entries more than last year, and another pleasing feature is the choice of adjudicators. Mr. Herbert Howells, Dr. Armstrong Gibbs, and for the elocution. Miss Mary Willetts, of Birmingham.