Mexborough Soldiers “Times” Airmailed – Quick Trip to Bermuda

February 1957

South Yorkshire Times February 16, 1957

Mexborough soldiers “Times” airmailed
Quick trip to Bermuda

it costs three shillings a week to send a copy of the “South Yorkshire Times” to Bermuda by airmail. But the fees gladly paid by Mr J Taylor, wife of Mr J Taylor, of 21 Cowper Road Mexborough so that her son Philip, can receive his copy within three days of publication. Philip warmly agrees that it is money well spent, so much did he look forward to the paper.

The usual method of sending newspapers abroad is by sea mail. This course under a shilling, but it would take over a fortnight for the purpose of reach Bermuda. So airmail is the ideal solution for the Taylor family – especially for Philip.

Philip is 19 and joined the R.A.S.C.when he was 17 ½. Until last August he was stationed at various places in this country. Last year, for five months he was in a joint experimental helicopter unit in Hampshire, and after that he applied for posting abroad and went out to Prospect, Bermuda, in August. He has been there ever since.