Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 13 January 1940
Mexborough and district Rotarians among their young guests at the Boys’ Club party on Tuesday.
Members of Mexborough and District Rotary Club acted as hosts to some 40 fatherless boy s who attended the Boys’ Club’s annual party at the White House Cafe on Tuesday. They had a substantial Christmas dinner, were provide with gaily coloured caps (and here and there more than one staid Rotarian was seen to be wearing a green and yellow mortar board, or brilliant red fez), and following the meal enjoyed games and entertainment.
The president, Rotarian G. W. Jepps, presided over what is perhaps Mexborough Rotary Club’s noisiest “meeting” of the year, when the official gong is most used. Nevertheless, with the exception of clamourous argument over the ownership of one or two caps, a general friendly spirit prevailed.
The Loyal toast, and that of “Absent Member, and Absent Boys,” were proposed by Rotarian Jepps, and drunk in coffee. Then the room was cleared and Rotarian C. P. Tiptaft, chairman of the Boys’ committee, took the lead in the games. After this Mr. and Mrs. W. Raymond (Goldthorpe) entertained the party, and as each youngster made his way out into the black-out after a thoroughly enjoyable time he received a bag containing fruit, nuts, and chocolate.
Rotarians K. Beesor’, C. M. Hattersley, G. H. Morley, E. G. Trowbridge, R. T. Lee, S. Worrall, A. Laycock, D. W. Harrop, F. H. Harrop, J. Shillito. L. Jones. E. Andrews, H. May, C. Marks, E. B. Stockdale and E. H. Rawlins, were present.