Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 14 April 1933
Mexborough Public Library
Our public library has certainly gained in reputation of late, and the committee and the librarian (Mr. Jarvis) are entitled to be complimented on the fact. A number of people have begun to realise that they can get for a penny a year almost as much, in the way of choice of modern literature, as they have been accustomed to pay guineas for.
Very good use has been made of recent grants from the Carnegie Trust, but these nave now expired. However, the money was well laid out, particularly on re-organising and partly on re-stocking the library.
The amount allowed by the Council—the proceeds of two penny rate, about £400—is insufficient, however, to keep the shelves adequately replenished. The greater portion of it is required for staffing and maintenance, and of the balance available for books, a considerable amount is required for repairs and renewal of existing stock. The wear and tear of the Wallaces and Dells is astounding.