Home Sports Cricket Mexborough Cricket Club – A Successful Reunion.

Mexborough Cricket Club – A Successful Reunion.

26 November 1902

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Wednesday 26 November 1902

Mexborough Cricket Club

A Successful Reunion.

After an interval of several years, the members the Mexborough Cricket Club, to the number over 50, had a reunion at the Commercial Hotel, Mexborough last night, on the occasion of a dinner.

Mr. J. E. H. Drabble, the president of the. club, occupied the chair, and amongst those present Councillors H. Platt and G. Goulding, Dr. Huey, Mr. T. Wigmore, Mr. A. Thompson, Mr. W. Nicholson. Mr. W. C. Biggs, Mr. G. Mitchell, Mr P. Turner, Mr. T. Schofield, Mr. C. O. Pepper (secretary of the club), Mr. J. Beevers, Mr. T. Chambers, Mr. H. Wragg. Mr. G. Marshall, Mr. A. Raynor. Mr. H. Swallow, Mr. Bell. Mr. G. H. Boyes and others.

After the usual loyal toasts had been submitted, Mr. T. Wigmore, in submitting the toast of the evening, ” The Mexborough Cricket Club,” coupled with the health the President, said the grand game of cricket would not have a very long existence wore it not for the part played by such clubs that at. Mexborough. (Hear, hear.) Such clubs as Mexborough brought out men, and trained them to play for the county teams. He was delighted that such a great interest was taken in the Mexborough and District Cricket League, and Mexborough should feel proud of the position held as being the centre of that league. (Hear, hear.) It could be almost claimed that the Mexborough Club had originated the league, and was gratifying to know that it had been carried on so successfully. (Applause.)

The President, in reply said after a good deal hard work they had to-day a grand ground, both from cricket and athletic point of view. The weather had militated against them greatly during the past season, but although they had not done quite so well as they would have wished, they had finished third in the league. (Hear, hear.) With a little discrimination and selection next year he had doubt they would again hold their own in the league. (Hear, hear.) Great credit, was certainly due to Mitchell’s Main, who won the trophy last season, and they would all acknowledge that they were the best team in the league. (Hear, hear.) Their professional. W. Brown, had been required into the County team just when Mexborough required him most, but they all hoped he so improve as to qualify for regular place in the Yorkshire eleven. (Applause.)

The Mexborough and District League had been putting forth its claim for representative on County Committee, and he firmly believed that after compromise they would have the unbounded pleasure of seeing Mr. Kelly, of Wath, elected their representative early the new year. (Applause.) He desired to thank the hard-working and capable committee, which had managed the affairs of the Mexborough club during the past season, and said that although the elements had been bad he had no doubt, they would have very satisfactory balance-sheet to present to the annual meeting. (Applause.)

Mr. H. Swallow proposed the ” Urban District Council,” and Councillor Herbert Platt and Councillor Goulding replied. Mr. G. H. Bayes proposed the “Officials and Captain the Club,” was responded to Mr. W. Nicholson and Mr. C. O. Pepper. Several songs, etc., were contributed, and a very pleasant evening was spent.