Mexborough Church is Being Rebuilt

January 1957

South Yorkshire Times January 12, 1957

A Mexborough Church is Being Rebuilt

Good news for the Wesleyan |Reform community in Mexborough came this week when it was learned that work had commenced on the rebuilding of the Wesleyan Reform Church in Oxford Road, destroyed by fire on November 4, 1942. The accompanying photograph shows a church before the fire.

Mr P Millington, 18 Pym Road, Mexborough, secretary of the church, told a “South Yorkshire Times” reporter on Wednesday that it was hoped to have the rebuilding completed by the end of this year.

The builders are leaving the sick exterior walls of the original building, erected in 1894, which were not seriously affected by fire. There will be no balcony in the new building; both organ and choir stalls will be at the same level as the rest of the building

Approximate Cost

Mr Millington said he assumed the approximate cost of the new building will be about £7000, which would amount to nearly £10,000 with the cost of furnishings. After the fire a number of events were held and subscriptions were received towards the cost of the new building. These, and the insurance money, amounted to about £6000, so there is still over £3000 to be raised. Efforts to raise this money have already started.

Architect for the new church is Mr David W Harrop of Genoa Street Mexborough, who is himself a member of the Wesleyan reform Church. The new church will seat 250 compared with 320 in the old building.