Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – October 03rd, 1902

Marconigrams – October 03rd, 1902

October 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 03 October 1902


Now the tobacco war is at an end we may smoke the pipe of peace

Dressmaking classes are to be held at Wombwell during the winter.

Two Kilnhurst residents sailed for Montréal on Thursday in the Alan SS Ionian.

This is the 14th week of the strike at the Denaby and Cadeby collieries.

The members of the Denaby Coral Society commence rehearsals on Tuesday next.

At the Mexborough Region Court on Monday there was only one case of public interest.

Harvest and giving services at four places of worship in Mexborough were held on Sunday.

Wednesday last of the 17th anniversary of the institution of sixpenny telegrams.

Arrangements be made for a visit to Mexborough of the prospective Liberal candidate.

Darfield is a weirdly uncouth place on dark nights, they’ve been absolutely no street illumination.

One of the late M Zola’s recent novels, “Lourds,” is to be found in the Mexborough Free library.

Mr W.H. Chambers has declined to allow the miners to fetch their tools out of the Denaby and Cadeby pits.

Judging from the letter in our correspondence columns a return Denaby soldier has been romancing somewhat.

A welcome gift of the quantity of fish has this week been distributed to families affected by the Denaby strike.

The growth of Thurnscoe colliery village is called the subject of a more copious supply of water to be considered.

The renovation of the Mexborough Primitive Chapel, including the installation of the electric light, has cost about £300.

At their last meeting the members of the Swinton Urban Council had several complaints to make in respect to the lighting of the streets.

A Kilnhurst barber was accidentally “flooded out” on Sunday morning. The water flowed towards the canal, and they now call it the hair “cut.”

Several patients have been treated in the Wath Joint Infectious Hospital and public express their thankfulness and gratitude to the staff.

Notwithstanding the labour disputes and troubles the attendance of the public at Mexborough Theatre has not fallen off during the last two months.

Despite the unfavourable weather yesterday the Montagu Cottage Hospital annual tea was a great success, over 1000 persons sitting down.

Local cyclists will appreciate the action of the police in prosecuting a Cadeby farmer who allowed thorns cut from his hedge to remain on the highway.

The Whitworth Challenge Cup, which is the Mexborough Cricket League trophy, will be presented to the winners, Mitchell Main, on Monday the 20th instant.

Mr Midwood of Mexborough, the electrician, who has just fitted the primitive Methodist Chapel with electric light, is now giving attention to the vicarage.

The Royal Humane Society has awarded the parchment certificate to Mrs Sara Spaven, of Pitt Street, Mexborough, for having courageously saved the life of two children in July 23rd.

The proposal to establish an institute at Kilnhurst has around a great deal of controversy – there apparently being two parties – those who support the Vicar and those who do not.

The electric arc lights in High-street Mexborough about the effect of driving the roughs into the side streets, and they now make Garden Street the scene of their nine performances.

The total amount of the damages sustained by the Denaby Colliery Company, during the first fortnight of the strike was £3574; including the cases on Saturday, judgement is now beginning against the men for £3217, leaving £357 still to be recovered.