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Loss To Scouting.

May 1938

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 27, 1938

Loss To Scouting.

The newly-formed Mexborougli Boy Scouts’ Local Association will lose a keen and efficient secretary when Mr. H. K. Morris, who has been secretary since the Association was established 15 months ago, leaves the town on June 6th.

Mr. Morris, who lives at Beauchief, Sheffield, is at present in charge of the Juvenile Section at the Mexborough Employment Exchange, and he has been .promoted to the Divisional Headquarters at Leeds and will, in connection with the Juvenile Transference scheme, cover the South Yorkshire district.

A native of Nottingham, Mr. Morris saw service during the Great War, and on his demobilisation in 1920 joined the Ministry of Labour and was posted at the Attercliffe (Sheffield) Exchange. He has for ten years been responsible for juvenile and migration work. He came to Mexborough about 3 ½  years ago and since then has been instrumental in finding employment for over 600 juveniles of both sexes in all parts of Great Britain. He maintains his interest in them after they have left and every morning his post contains several letters from former protégés.

When Mr. Morris was, just over a year ago, asked to undertake the secretarial duties in the Local Association of Boy Scouts, he took over the duties with energy and efficiency and (although he had had no previous Scouting experience) with such success as to put the Association from its inception on a firm footing.

Mr. Morris is also a keen amateur cinematographist and has given several shows in this district for charitable purposes. Mr. Morris will be succeeded at Mexborough by Mr. C. L. Fieldhouse, of Rotherham.