South Yorkshire Times, October 14th 1944
Good Record
Mr. J. White, of 40, Lower Dolcliffe Road, who has been a member of the Salvation Army for over 60 years, has every Sunday night for the last 20 years taken a band of Salvationists to visit the Montagu Hospital, where services have been held in every ward.
Those who have helped are Sisters Birks, Midgley, Nettleton and Mr. Dixon (Goldthorpe), and their efforts have been greatly appreciated by the Hospital Board and patients.
Mr. White was born in Mexborough and has lived there all his life. Before he retired, he was employed at Barron’s Glassworks, Mexborough. He is a great lover of children and every year arranges a canal boat trip for them, paid for by popular subscription. He is now employed by Mexborough Council as superintendent of Park Road recreation ground.
Mr. White recently organised an informal concert among children playing in the park, of which he is supervisor, and as a result collected 6s 6d, which he has given towards the Common Ward effort for the coming Red Cross rally.