Home Places Streets and Communities Editorial – The Titanic Findings

Editorial – The Titanic Findings

August 1912

Mexborough and Swinton Times – Saturday August 3, 1912.

The Titanic Findings

We look to Mr Redmayne, one of the most brilliant figures in the mining world, to supply us with the judgement on the whole disaster, somewhat on the lines of Lord Mersey’s admirable survey of the Titanic disaster, just fill the papers this week, and which had been received with general satisfaction as a peace of characteristic sagacity.

The President of the Commission which was appointed to enquire into the matter justifies the existence of himself and the Commission by the conscientious and scrupulously fair character of his judgement, couched as it was in a moderate tone throughout.

If the horror of the Titanic smash was not alone sufficient, this judgement will at least bring about drastic amendment of the regulations ensuring the safety of oceangoing vessels, follow directions to the Board of Trade are very clear.

In the future, with man’s confidence in the work of his hands thoroughly shaken, we shall hear less about unsinkable vessels, and more of unevadable safety regulations. After the wreck of the Titanic, the biggest and smartest vessel float, and the blowing up of Cadeby Main, probably the most up-to-date pit in England, truly “there is no abiding.”