Councillor Retiring

March 1947

South Yorkshire Times March 8, 1947

Councillor Retiring

Councillor D A Crummack, who was elected to Mexborough Council last year as a British Legion representative is retiring on March 30.

His letter of resignation was read at a special meeting of Mexborough Council last night.

Council, enlisted at 17 in 1915, been discharged in 1919 after having been wounded and seriously gassed in 1918.

He worked on the railway from 1923 to 1931 and subsequently as temporary clerk at the Labour Exchange and Unemployment Assistant Board from 1934 to 1937.

He reorganised Mexborough branch of the British Legion in 1932 and was secretary of the pensions, benevolent and employment organisations.

He conducted the last elections as an ex-service candidate, but later in the year moved to Eastbourne.