Home People Young People Children’s Corner – Portrait Gallery

Children’s Corner – Portrait Gallery

March 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times March 11 1932

& Friday 23 September 1932

Children’s Corner

Portrait Gallery

Flora Elvidge, Mexboro’.

Flora has lived in Hong Kong and she sends me a most interesting letter describing the voyage to England. Hong Kong, at night, viewed from the sea, is very pretty, with its thousands of lights.

At Singapore Flora admired the skill of the natives who dived for the coins the passengers threw into the water. In the parks at Singapore the monkeys come down the trees and ate from the hands of visitors.

She tells me there was great excitement when they entered the Suez Canal. They landed at Port Said, and they bathed from the beach, near which is a monument to de’Leeseps, the French engineer who constructed the canal.

Passing through the Mediterranean they saw the volcano—Stromboli—and at night it appeared illuminated.

She eviedently had a leisurely journey for she landed at Naples and she treasures a piece of lava from Vesuvius.

They had no time to go ashore at Gibralter, but they bought fruit from the little boats which came alongside. The Bay of Biscay tossed them aboat a little, but most of them had found their sea legs long before this.

The captain of the ship give a party to the children on the King’s birthday, and every evening there was a cinema show on board.