Home Crime Domestic Bigamy Charge – Former Mexbro’ Man for Trial

Bigamy Charge – Former Mexbro’ Man for Trial

May 1931

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 22 May 1931

Bigamy Charge.

Former Mexbro’ Man for Trial

William Henry Redfern Smith (26), motor driver, of Burnley Road, Padiham, Lancashire, and formerly of Mexboro’ was committed for trial for bigamy at Leeds Assizes yesterday by the Doncaster magistrates. He was also sent to prison for three months on charges of having left his wife and two children chargeable to the Doncaster Hoard of Guardians and the Public Assistance Committee.

Evidence was given that Smith married Edith Cassell at Mexboro’ Parish Church on Feb. 20th. 1926, and they lived together with the wife’s mother and step-father at Mexboro’ until Dec. 28th 1927. Prisoner then joined the army, but subsequently discharged for various reasons.

In Oct., 1993, he was arrested on a charge of neglect of his wife, and a maintenance order made against him. On Sept. 3rd last year, he went through a form of marriage with Rhoda Blezard, at Cliftonville, Kent, and lived with her at Padiham until he was arrested on May 7th for wife maintenance arrears.

Prisoner pleaded “not guilty,” but was committed as stated.