Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 06 June 1902
Assault at Adwlck.
Williant Wilson, miner of Swinton was summoned by Albert Wm. Jones, a miner, of Adwick for assault at Adwick on Dearne on the 24th May.
Complainant stated that on Saturday, the 24th May, he was returing home from Manvers Main Colliery with his mates. , He was reckoning up with his mates when the defendant came up and deliberately him on the jaw and knocked into the road, and there struck him and knocked him down. Defendant could not defend himself properly owing to an accident he had in December. which affected one of his hands
Arthur Ryder and Alfred Collins gave corroborative evidence.
The defendant admitted striking the complainant.
The Chairman said they were satisfied that the defendant had committed a most cowardly apeanlt upon the defendant, but he may have had a little provocation. He would be fined 10s. and £1 11s 6d. costs.