South Yorkshire Times, November 11th 1944
Annual Show – Mexborough Chrysanthemum Society
Amid a scene resplendent with the choicest blooms that Mexborough growers could bring, Mr. C. Paxman Tiptaft, J.P., opening the two-day annual show of the Mexborough Chrysanthemum Society, in the Free Christian Church Hall on Friday, invited Members to awaken Mexborough to a love of beauty and a hatred of ugliness. Those who had produced lovely blooms for their delectation that night, he thought, were just the people to do that. That is my “pigeon” at the moment said Mr. Tiptaft, making people beauty conscious. He visualised a Mexborough known for its civic beauty, and not the subject of jibes for the ugliness as at present. One of his suggestions was that a war memorial should take the form of an avenue of trees lining one of the main roads.
At the opening of the show, which for the fourth successive year was in aid of the Mexborough Montagu Hospital, Mr. Tiptaft was supported by Councillor Gough, who presided. Mr. F. W. Fletcher (President of the Society), Mr. W. P. Turner (President of the Hospital), and Mr. E. Toothill (Secretary of the Society).
The “Andrews” Cup for the most points gained in the cottagers’ classes was presented by Mr. Tiptaft to W. Hurrell, who has gained most points in the cottagers’ classes since the show was opened. Mr. Tiptaft presented the “Mason” Cup for the most points in the open classes to W. Mason and T. Parker. The winners of these two awards each gained the National Chrysanthemum Society Awards of Merit in the Cottagers’ and open sections respectively. The “Schofield” Cup awarded to the winner of class 25, was won by A. Sykes. Messrs. Mason and Parker carried off the first prizes in all 13 classes of the open section.
A Beauty Show
That was the first time, said Mr. Tiptaft, that he had been asked to open a beauty show. He did not think he had ever been where there had been so much beauty of form and size. That was extraordinary, because in the Civic sense they were rather starved of beauty. Perhaps they had heard the pre-war jibe about Mexborough. Two men were talking, and in the course of the conversation the name Mexborough was mentioned. Mexborough, Mexborough, where’s Mexborough? said one. “You leave it on the left of the railway going from Rotherham to Doncaster, said
the other” and the rejoinder was “yes and that’s where you want to leave it.”
Those who travelled fairly frequently, as he did, from Mexborough by train, knew there was something in that jibe. They were just the people the chrysanthemum growers, prepared to give their time, labour and money to produce beauty of this type in form and colour, to awaken Mexborough to a love of beauty and a hatred of ugliness.
When they looked back over the years there was a lovely little church built in the 12th century and a Clayton Memorial Park in the 20th century. In the intervening years nothing had been done for beauty. He then suggested the desirability of a plan. That is what we want, a plan. Then instead of ourselves, or as is more likely, our sons and daughters hearing about Mexborough! I visualise the time when we should hear them say Mexborough! Yes, you want to go to Mexborough when the cherry trees are out!
“Why not have as a war memorial an avenue of trees up Adwick Road or Doncaster Road. Think of Doncaster Road with a mass of pink and white chestnuts. It’s not so fantastic.”
Congratulating the exhibitors, Mr. Tipstaff said after having walked round the blooms the growers had his respectful admiration. He hoped that they would give consideration to, and take as great a pleasure in, causing beauty to flower in Mexborough as they had in producing the deservedly lovely blooms for their delectation that night.
Mexborough Carries On
Councillor Gough observed that was the 10th year of the show, owing to the blackout a good many shows had to close, but the Mexborough Society were determined not to close. They had put into operation a scheme to allot show proceeds to some deserving organisation. This was the fourth year that the Montagu Hospital had benefited, and approximately £48 had already been handed to the hospital by virtue of the show and the kindness of the people who had helped keep it alive. Near the end of last year discussion classes were organised which were very well attended and very successful. The society had started from nothing but valuable cups were given by Mrs. Andrews, Alderman Schofield, and the committee, with the assistance of the people of Mexborough, kept the show in being. He hoped that in the near future the show would cover a greater space.
Speaking on behalf of the hospital, Mr. Turner said it was a pleasure to come along for the 4th successive year to support their very successful show. Every year he came the show was bigger better and brighter than the previous year. He hoped that by next year the war clouds would have rolled away and they would be able to carry out their project in a happier state of mind, and, as the chairman had said, put on a bigger show.
He was perfectly in harmony with what Mr. Tiptaft had said about beauty. It was up to everyone to do all they could in the township to cultivate beauty and remove the ugly spots which probably marred the happiness of people who lived there. They had only to look round corners to see what could be done if there was determination, initiative, and the money to do it. The local council could not do all they would like to do.
It was a pleasure for him to go along more particularly to say thank you to the chrysanthemum society for what they had done for the hospital, which, with their generous support, they were determined to improve until they were satisfied it was the finest little hospital in Yorkshire.
Mr. Fletcher proposed a vote of thanks. The year, he said, had been one of the worst known for growing chrysanthemums, but the members had put up a magnificent show, and he congratulated them. He coupled with the vote of thanks from Mr. Tiptaft to all voluntary helpers.
The vote of thanks was seconded by Mrs. R. Dayson. Messrs. J. Maiden (Bolton) and J. Flowers (Conisbrough) judged the classes.