Home Industry and Commerce Mining A Denaby Collector in Trouble.

A Denaby Collector in Trouble.

September 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 24 October 1902

A Denaby Collector in Trouble.

A Denaby lad was in on Saturday, collecting for the “lock-out” at the Denaby Main Colliery.

He had quite a crowd round him in Dixon lane, when P.c. (296) Arnell came on the scene. The lad had a small box, and was telling a tale of the distress existing amongst the locked-out workmen. But a few questions from the officer soon put a different complexion and the boy eventually admitted that he had been reflecting in order to get the railway fare home for his mother and himself.

The officer took him to the police station, where the box was opened, and found to contain only sixpence. The lad was allowed to go home after giving his name and address, but the boxers retain by the officer in charge