Home People Weddings Wedding – Hope & Potts

Wedding – Hope & Potts

April 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 04 April 1942

The marriage took place on Saturday at Mexborough Parish Church, of Miss Kathleen Mary Hope, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hope, 90, Albert Road, Mexborough and Mr. John Kenneth Potts, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Potts, 11, Woodfield Avenue, Mexborough . A gown of white angel lace over taffeta and net was worn by the bride, who had a net veil and carried lilies and narcissi.

She was attended by Miss Winifred Bird and Miss Phyllis Hope, who wore pink lace and white lace respectively. Miss Bird had a blue veil and head-dress and Miss Hope a mauve veil and head-dress. Both carried anemones and received powder compacts from the bridegroom.

Mr. Arthur V. Potts, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and the groomsman was the bride’s brother. Mr. James Hope.

The bride, who is an old pupil of Mexborough Secondary School, is a member of the staff of the local Food Office, and received a case of silver teaspoons and a tea strainer from her colleagues.

The bridegroom is serving in the Army.