Sheffield Independent – Monday 31 October 1927
The Great Gale which swept the country on Friday night caused some local havoc.
In Mexborough it was unsafe to walk about the tow if when the gale was at its height, for electric street lamps were torn from their standards and slates were blown about in parts of the town.
The new Council houses on Adwick road suffered badly.
Mr J A. Thornley, manager of the Mexborough branch of Messrs. Whitworth Son and Nephew, of High street, had unpleasant experience when the skylight his house was wrenched off its hinges. It crashed through the glass roof of the drawing room and severely damaged the sideboard.
A block of shop property in Bank street, Mexborough, is severely damaged, part of the roof having been blown away .Half of the roof of another house in Waddington street is also blown away.
Part of the roof of the grandstand the Mexborough Football Club has been blown into the middle of College road.