South Yorkshire Times, November 4th 1944
Wedding: Worrall & Harvey
A Mexborough girl and a New Zealand Pilot Officer were married last Thursday at Mexborough Parish Church.
The bride was Miss Ellen Worrall, fifth daughter of Mrs. F. Worrall of 7, Byron Road, Mexborough, and the bridegroom Pilot Officer Godfrey William Harvey, second son of Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Harvey, of Wairoa, New Zealand.
The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. John Worrall, and was dressed in a gown of white satin beaute with white net overdress and veil and wreath. She carried a shower bouquet of red roses. She was attended by Wren Vera Fish, Miss Joan Rowland, Marlene Seeze and Malcolm Pendlebury.
The senior maids were attired in pink and blue satin with lace overdresses and feather head-dresses. The junior maid was clad in a pink crepe dress and the page in a pink satin blouse and velvet trousers.
Flt-Sgt. Abraham Tait N.Z.A.F. was best man and groomsmen were Pilot Officer Trevor O’Brien N.Z.A.F., and Mr. Ernest Pendlebury.
For the past five years the bride has been employed at the Adwick Road branch of the Barnsley Co-operative Society. The bride received numerous present from her colleagues.