Home People Celebrations Mexborough “Wren’s” Engagement

Mexborough “Wren’s” Engagement

October 1944

South Yorkshire Times, October 21st 1944

Mexborough “Wren’s” Engagement

The engagement is announced between Capt. Cyril H. F. Plenderleith, R Signals, only son of Mr. H. Plenderleith, Sparkhill, Birmingham, and Miss Maureen Kearsley (W.R.N.S)., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kearsley, Castle Hill Avenue, Mexborough.

Miss Kearsley, a former pupil of Mexborough Secondary School, is attached to the communications branch of the W.R.N.S. and was on the office staff of the “South Yorkshire Times” Printing Co. Ltd., Mexborough, before joining the services.

Her brother, Leading Air Fitter G. F. Kearsley, is serving with the Fleet Air Arm in Southern India and her father is chief surveyor to the Manvers Main Collieries Ltd.