Home People Weddings Wedding – Wagstaff & Curtis

Wedding – Wagstaff & Curtis

March 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 21 March 1942

The wedding was solemnised at Mexborough Parish Church on Monday of Guardsman John Curtis (Coldstream Guards), son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Curtis, of 9, Day-lands Avenue, Conisbrough, and Miss Margaret Wagstaff, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wagstaff, of 136a, Doncaster Road, Mexborough.

The bride, who was given away by her father, was daintily attired in a dress of white tulle over satin, with veil and coronet, a bouquet of pink carnations completing her toilette.

She was attended by Miss Ethel Curtis, Miss Dorothy Wilkinson, Miss Jean Wagstaff, and MissMary Tompkins, two wearing pink lace over satin and two blue tulle over satin, with haloes of silk flowers in pale blue and pink respectivley.

They carried posies of anemones and snowdrops and wore necklaces, the gift of the bridegroom

Best man was Mr. Colin Curtis, and groomsmen Mr J.R. Wagstaff and Gunner A. Curtis.

The bride’s mother wore a squirrel coat with toning accessories, and the bridegroom’s mother wore navy blue.