Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Mexborough’s Efforts to Secure Amalgamation.

Mexborough’s Efforts to Secure Amalgamation.

November 1921

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 18 November 1921

Mexborough’s Efforts to Secure Amalgamation.

At their meeting last night the Conisborough Urban Council received a deputation from the Mexborough Urban Council to hear the views of Mexborough on the question of amalgamation. The deputation, which consisted of Messrs. J. E. Cliff, D. V. E. Dodsworth, and M. Hulse, outlined what they considered the advantages of amalgamation under a charter of incorporation, laying special stress upon the increased powers that would be obtained under the Public Health Act, and upon the economies that would be effected by the co-ordination of all the public services.

It was pointed out by them that Mexborough had an electricity generating station, and a refuse destructor which were large enough to serve Conisborough as well as Mexborough, and that, while Mexborough’s rates were at present rather high, it could be taken for granted that they had reached their highest point, and would soon be substantially reduced.

At the close of a short discussion, the Chairman of the Conisborough Council (Mr. H. C. Harrison) said the Council had listened with interest to what the deputation had put before them, and had certainly obtained some useful information. He appreciated that Mexborough’s object in this matter was the development and improvement of the district as a whole, and he could assure the deputation that the Conisborough Council would give the proposal serious consideration. He had to admit, however, that the deputation had not mentioned any likely advantages that Conisborough did not at present enjoy, whereas Mexborough to-day had a number of disadvantages from which Conisborough were happily free.

Mr. Cliff said that iF .both Conisborough and Swinton declined to join Mexborough in a scheme of this nature. Mexborough would sooner or later make application for a charter of incorporation on their own.

The Chairman: You may be quite sure this Council will turn nothing down that will prove to the advantage of the district as a whole, unless it is likely to prejudice the particular interests of the people who placed us here.