South Yorkshire Times, April 28th, 1939.
Railway Queens Busy Two Days.
“The L.N.E.railway company will be at home on Saturday and Sunday in Swinton goods yard to the public of Mexborough and district.” This, in effect, was the invitation that drew nearly 14,000 visitors to the exhibition of rolling stock and railway apparatus held over the weekend and for the benefit of the Mexborough Montagu hospital.
The attendance on Saturday reached 4220 and on Sunday 9500. It was the first time the display had been station a small centre and the ‘gate’ receipts are regarded as particularly good: the figure of 14,000 compared with 21,000 at Doncaster and 17,000 at Lincoln.
Mr S. Shores (Doncaster), the general secretary, told a representative of this paper that the total attendance came well up to expectations, “particularly as this was a first venture in an urban area, and in view of their unfavourable weather of the first day: the success of the exhibition has been made possible by the complete harmony between railway workers and officials and the host of outside representatives.”